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New app - seeking feedback! Carbon footprint tracking & offsetting...

Hello all,

James kindly invited me to the community, I'm Josie, Co-Founder of CAPTURE - an app to unleash the climate hero within! We are developing an app to track a user's carbon footprint from mobility (initially... adding other categories such as food & home electricity soon), adding options to offset through the app.

We've been looking at different offsetting options and are drawn to tree planting as it's something more simple for users to understand.. plus nice and rewarding for us to be able to send photos of the trees growing on a tree-by-tree basis - but! There are indeed lots of issues around tree planting and it's far from perfect. Open to other ideas...

I'd love to ask the carbon removal community for suggestions on offsetting through any great carbon removal projects they know of or have created. For example, in rudimentary terms... how much would you charge one of our users to pay you to remove 1 tonne of CO2 from the air?

All ideas/feedback/suggestions very much welcomed! Feel free to also reach-out via email at

Thank you so much,
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