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Using AI to Improve Food Systems: Submit Your Ideas

NickOttensNickOttens Posts: 899 admin
edited December 2020 in The Future of Food

Through innovation and efficiencies, the agri-food sector has met an ever increasing global demand over the last century. However, as agriculture and associated land use put increasing stress on the environment while millions around the world lack adequate nutrition, the question remains, have current food systems been effective? Sustainable? Inclusive? Healthy?

Join us in our efforts to harness the power of AI and ML to transition towards more regenerative, inclusive, nutritious and resilient food systems by submitting a project idea to the Future of Food Breakthrough Track.

Projects with the potential to generate the highest and most immediate impact will be championed by experts and considered for a finalist position. The top three finalists will then be selected by the Future of Food Brain Trust and will have the opportunity to present their projects in an interactive workshop at the virtual AI for Good Global Summit September 21-30, 2020.

For more information, tune into the recent webinar, AI for the Future of Food, to hear Food Brain Trusts discuss the track, this year’s themes and how you can get involved. For all further questions, please contact
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