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Prize Design Summary

ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
edited December 2020 in Frontline Health
XPRIZE Frontline Health is an incentivized competition that empowers patients, frontline health workers and health leaders with data and AI-enabled digital health tools and services to improve access to and enhance efficient coordination and delivery of quality health care.

Teams will design data exchange and analytics solutions that harmonize granular, patient-centric data that can be exchanged between different point-of-care systems for the purposes of addressing priority health needs of the country and challenges of coordinating and delivering primary care at the frontline.

During 40 months of active competition, teams will advance through three competition rounds – Written Proposal Submission, Data Exchange Prototype Development and Testing, and Deployment and Primary and Secondary Demonstrations of Data Use - to deliver data exchange and analytics systems that will be assessed by various user satisfaction evaluations and undergo rigorous testing with real data on a primary health focus and within a catchment area of a country partner. The competition will be based on teams participating in a human-centered design summit with relevant country stakeholders to understand their needs and map challenges and workflows.

In order to win, teams need to...
  • Develop and test a health data exchange solution within a clinical setting, using AI technologies to demonstrate the value of data to multiple end users.
  • Based on a human-centered design process, teams will outline their solution, its fit for existing workflows and its potential to leverage the harmonized data through the use of AI technologies in a detailed written proposal.
  • Teams will build a health data exchange prototype and test it for workflow fit, performance and other technical requirements.
  • End users including patients, frontline health workers and health leadership, will assess the value of different solutions.

Judging Criteria
The following are the proposed criteria to evaluate each team’s performance and ultimately distribute the prize awards:
Round 1
Written Proposal Criteria
  1. Demonstration of understanding of the problems and needs of different users.
  2. Thoroughness of team’s response to each question.
  3. Completeness of team’s response to each question.
  4. Feasibility of team’s data exchange and analytics solutions.
  5. Audacity of team’s data exchange and analytics solutions.
  6. Team’s capacity to deliver on the solution in the desired time period.
  7. Sustainability of team’s data exchange and analytics solutions.
  8. Scalability of team’s data exchange and analytics solutions.
  9. Data security and privacy.

Round 2
Testing Data Exchange Prototypes Criteria
  1. Fit of technology used to local expertise.
  2. Fit with workflow.
  3. Accuracy of harmonized data.
  4. Speed of processing or harmonization.
  5. Speed of transmission or extraction.
  6. Cost of implementation and transactions.
  7. Sustainability of solution.
  8. Scalability of Solution.
  9. Data Security and privacy.

Round 3
Primary and Secondary Demonstrations of Data Use Criteria

For Patients
  • User satisfaction of accessibility and value of data, insights, and solution interfaces or dashboards to understand and manage their health, and in interacting with relevant nodes in healthcare system.
  • Ability of patient to share or withhold components of data from different providers.

For FHWs
  • User satisfaction of value of data to better coordinate and manage patient health care.
  • Care Quality: Reduced mistakes.
  • Care Quality: Improved compliance with standards of care.
  • Care Efficiency: Time savings.
  • Care Efficiency: Reduction of redundant interventions.

For Health Leadership
  • User satisfaction of value of data and insights for their needs, and of the solutions’ maintenance and sustainability.

In your opinion, what is missing, or, what isn’t necessary?
We look forward to seeing all of your insights and feedback!
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