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Green Fuels

EtiEti Posts: 107 XPRIZE
Replacing fossil fuels with clean fuels that can tap into hard-to-abate sectors, such as transportation and heating, while supporting a transition to electrification over time by utilizing them as chemical storage that can be re-electrified. Specifically, green hydrogen and its compression are hailed in this space. This energy industry segment was identified as one that can help accelerate the transition to a sustainable, equitable, and abundant energy future.

Against current state-of-the-art comparable technology, what markers must innovations in this space meet to overtake the fossil fuel-driven energy?
  • Benchmark | What is the current state-of-the-art and/or most common technology/process to evaluate against?
  • Cost | Based on the chosen benchmark, what is a competitive capital cost and/or O&M/service cost?
  • Duration/Distance | Based on the chosen benchmark, what is the warranted storage duration, over what distance? What would be the audacious, yet realistic, duration/distance?
  • Efficiency | based on the chosen benchmark, what is a target efficiency?
  • Lifecycle | based on the chosen benchmark and industry trends, what is the warranted lifecycle?

Please share details and resources if possible.


  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Hi @Jesse_Nyokabi, @Mahmoudburai, @Cemalbasaran, @massimoguarnieri, @SPSBadwal, @PhilDeLuna, @MarianoMM, @Magneto - We are trying to understand innovation markers in the space of green fuels, you might have some thoughts to share with us. We would love to hear your thoughts.
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Hi @adventureashr, @tedsargent, @liangxu, @clabeaux, @CeProSARD, @Ouma, @nibizijeanmarie - Against current technology, what benchmarks for cost, distance, efficiency and lifecycle must innovations in green fuels space meet to overtake the fossil fuel-driven energy?
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Hi @mounir, @Dave2021, @Simon, @Magneto, @CO2Cap_SysEng - Curious to know if you have any inputs to share on this latest discussion on green fuels. We are trying to understand innovation benchmarks against current technology in green fuel space for cost, distance, efficiency and lifecycle.
  • Halcyon Power is a joint venture between Tuaropaki Trust and Japan’s Obayashi Corporation, to develop a green hydrogen production facility in New Zealand. The project is also working towards implementing a hydrogen supply chain for New Zealand and Japan.

    The 1.5-megawatt hydrogen production project is scheduled to be operational by early 2021 and will support joint research and development initiatives for Tuaropaki and Obayashi.

    The “green” (carbon neutral) hydrogen will be generated using electricity from stable and renewable geothermal energy in Mokai, Taupo, located next to the Trust’s existing geothermal power plant.
  • In Kenya we are working on policies and regulatory framework on Green Hydrogen. The move has started!
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Thanks @Jesse_Nyokabi for sharing details of green hydrogen production project. Do you know any details on the costing (capital cost and/or O&M/service cost) and storage duration over a particular distance of this project.
    We can check out this for now!
    Will give my insights later.
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Thanks @Jesse_Nyokabi for this report. We are going through it and will let you know if we have any further queries.
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Hi @Ajay_Gambhir, @ikuzle, @khajehoddin, @Febbie, @adam, @HLearner, @fusuntut - We are trying to understand green fuels space against current technology, you might have some thoughts to share with us. We would love to hear your thoughts.
  • mattymattmattymatt Posts: 41
    edited February 2021
    Hi everyone thank you for allowing me to be a part of the conversation.
    I don't know a lot about the nitty gritty aspects of the numbers that renewable energy has compared to fossil fuels. But maybe if a team could come up with a really good battery that people across the world could play with and hold in their hands... it could help people envision a cleaner future. A handheld battery would allow the public to become comfortable with the idea, and hopefully lead to them to supporting a sustainable future.

    Would love any thoughts 🤙🏽?
  • IrinaIrina Posts: 2
    Next World Hydrogen Summit is coming up. The program looks promising
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Thanks @Irina for sharing details of this summit.
  • CO2Cap_SysEngCO2Cap_SysEng Posts: 5
    I’m a big fan of hydrogen but not as a replacement fuel but as a storage medium. When I hear the phase green fuel, I think of replacement fuels used in vehicles. For most vehicles, electric powertrains are less complex, more robust and use less material. At a larger scale like ships, nuclear will probably be the ultimate answer.
    The kiler app for hydrogen is as buffer storage for renewable generation. Limited or no transportation to avoid local regulatory issues and short term to mitigate leakage or embrittlement issues.
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Thanks @CO2Cap_SysEng for sharing your thoughts. Please vote for your favorite prize direction here.
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