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NickAzerNickAzer Posts: 219 ✭✭
edited October 2019 in Carbon Removal
Please introduce yourself to the rest of the community here. Tell us a bit about yourself, your projects and your relation to XPRIZE.


  • NickAzerNickAzer Posts: 219 ✭✭
    I'm Nick Azer, your online community manager. I live in Portland, Oregon in the US. My background is in social media and blogging; for the last 6 years, I have been social media manager and content curator on the Google Lunar XPRIZE.

    If you have any community-related questions or need help, feel free to send me a message here anytime or email me at! I'm here to help, and I'm excited about this fascinating Carbon Removal project and the impact it could have on climate change.
  • cnatancnatan Posts: 38 XPRIZE
    Hello everyone, my name is Carlene Natan, Lead Analyst for the XPRIZE Carbon Removal Prize Design Team. Welcome to our site!!! I am very much looking forward to engaging you on the fascinating topic of carbon removal! Thank you so much for your time and participation.
  • brgentrybrgentry Posts: 5
    I'm Brett Gentry, currently an Entrepreneur in Residence with Carbontech Labs, part of Carbon180. I'm helping expedite Carbon Capture and Utilization startups get to market. Reach out if you have questions.
  • NickAzerNickAzer Posts: 219 ✭✭
    Welcome, @brgentry! We're happy to have you, and we're looking forward to reading your insights and opinions. We have a new discussion thread about the current landscape of carbon removal: Any input you might have would be valuable!
  • titotito Posts: 2
    Also hi to Pol (@PolKnops) who I see registered but hasn't posted yet :smiley:
  • bhaskarmvbhaskarmv Posts: 24 ✭✭

    I believe that growing Diatom Algae in Oceans is the best solution to cartoon capture.

    Some of the Diatoms will be consumed by Zooplankton and Fish and some will sink to Ocean bed.

    Both are beneficial. Increasing fish will help feed the increasing population and the Diatoms that fall to Ocean bed will sequester carbon for a long time.
  • josephjjamesjosephjjames Posts: 8 ✭✭
    Let's talk, as I may have a project of mutual interest.
  • ScotBrysonScotBryson Posts: 7 ✭✭
    Hi everyone,
    Glad to be part of the community still. I was actively involved during Round 1 & 2 of the carbon xprize and looking forward to being connected with this community moving forward.
    I'm now busy building Orbital Farm which is a closed loop farming system that uses CO2, electricity and water at the main inputs of the system and produces fresh vegetables, fruits, fish and vegan protein powders.

    I'm located in Toronto Canada but we are looking to deploy our projects around the world.

    Looking forward to connecting together with everyone here.

  • josephjjamesjosephjjames Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Thanks for your info. I would love to explore a collaboration, in the US's eastern seaboard.

    Let's talk.


  • NickAzerNickAzer Posts: 219 ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Great to have you here @bhaskarmv @josephjjames and @ScotBryson! We have several categories posted for feedback - Background and Current Landscape; we'd love to have your input on both!

    Joe- I see you've already posted a response to Current Landscape, thank you!
  • jamesburbridgejamesburbridge Posts: 49 XPRIZE
    Hello everyone,
    My name is James Burbridge, Senior Associate for the carbon removal prize design team. My background is in energy journalism, most recently covering North American carbon trading markets in California, Canada, and the mid-Atlantic RGGI states. I'm looking forward to re-engaging with this space and conversing with you all on the exciting world of carbon removal.
  • SlabySlaby Posts: 1 ✭✭
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Todd Slaby, currently running my own small management consulting practice. I have a synthetic biology background working at the intersection of carbon efficiency and industrial products. I've worked to optimize operations in both science and business at Amyris and Intrexon leading me to the intersection of biology and tech. Questions about sustainability and the status of our species's efforts led me first to Carbon180 and now here.

    I'm coming in having seen commercial synergy between carbon utilization efficiency and industrial emissions. Through participation here I hope to learn and in turn help others turn innovation into impact.
  • eobermeiereobermeier Posts: 1 ✭✭
    Hello everyone,

    I'm Elizabeth Obermeier and I work at Apogee. I attended the XPRIZE Carbon Removal Workshop earlier this month and am excited to continue engaging on this topic.

    Looking forward to connecting and sharing information.

  • NickAzerNickAzer Posts: 219 ✭✭
    Welcome, Todd and Elizabeth! @Slaby @eobermeier We're excited to see your ideas on Carbon Removal. Our most recent discussion is on a study from the National Academies - we'd love your input there!: And on any of the discussions in Current Landscape and Background!
  • peterkpeterk Posts: 7
    hi, I am Peter Kelemen. I am focusing on carbon mineralization, for permanent, solid CO2 storage and for CO2 capture from air (CDR, for storage and/or utilization). I work at Columbia University's Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, where I also study natural carbon mineralization, together with hydration and oxidation during weathering, the subduction zone carbon cycle, ... If you're interested in this work, I have a Google Scholar page that seems to stay up to date in some magical way. I helped with the recent National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine report on Negative Emissions Technologies ... I learned a lot about soil carbon and forest mitigation strategies. The agriculture and forestry specialists on that committee emphasized that these avenues have great promise, but decided that these alone cannot remove enough CO2 to stay below 1.5 to 2 degrees C of warming. Thus, I continue to pursue my specific ideas. From what I am seeing on this site so far, I think ideas about large-scale CDR via carbon mineralization are relatively conservative, and the XPRIZE community interest will lie elsewhere. It's ironic that ideas that have never been tested in a field experiment are considered "conservative". I sure hope that, collectively, we all come up with one or two things that can be implemented at the Gt scale within a decade.
  • CPConsoliCPConsoli Posts: 1 ✭✭
    My name is Chris Consoli; I work for the Global Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Institute as a senior consultant. I work internationally in the low carbon energy industry with technical expertise in the geological storage of CO2.

    I have been in the industry for ten years riding all the ups and downs of CCS. I have completed low carbon energy/CCS road maps, assessments, industry decarbonisation reports and research. Recently I have been analysing negative emissions technologies- primarily bioenergy CCS and direct air CCS. A big future there.

    I look forward to being part of this community.
  • NickAzerNickAzer Posts: 219 ✭✭
    Hi, Chris and Peter @CPConsoli @peterk! Peter, I've seen you've already posted some responses, thank you. We'll be posting new discussions in both Background and Current Landscape on a regular basis. You guys both have really valuable experience and expertise - we look forward to discussing with you on these topics more!
  • DougDoug Posts: 2
    Hi Everyone

    My name is Doug Gann, I'm an archaeological anthropologist living in a rural space near the Mexican border in southern Arizona. (Take everything you read in the news media about what is happening here with a large crystal of salt - nuff said about that.) In graduate school I studied under people like "garboloigist" William Rathje, material scientists like David Kingery, and technologists like Mike Schiffer. We are all interested in how archaeology could be a tool to help understand and improve the lives of ourselves and our communities today.

    I think we can save the world by turning our concepts of recycling and consumerism upside down. Proofs of the concepts and technologies needing to be perfected might make for a perfect X Prize competition.
  • evmortonevmorton Posts: 6
    edited April 2019
    My name is Evvan Morton. I am a PhD student in Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University. My advisor is Dr. Klaus Lackner. My research focuses on carbon capture and storage technology and policy. I am looking at policies that are currently used in the United States to manage CO2 such as the Clean Air Act, taxes, and cap and trade and why these policies may not be adequate. Managing CO2 through a waste management perspective may be a better route toward combating climate change. I am also looking at the responsible innovation/ethics of CCS.
  • rossnorirossnori Posts: 1
    Hello! I'm Ross Kenyon, lead strategist of the Nori carbon removal marketplace, and I work on the Reversing Climate Change and Carbon Removal Newsroom podcasts. So happy y'all are doing this. I'd like to learn more about how I might be able to foster the ecosystem you're helping to create.
  • NickAzerNickAzer Posts: 219 ✭✭
    Welcome, @Doug @evmorton and @rossnori! Thanks so much for joining us here. We have some new discussions in Background it'd be great to have your input on!
  • NickAzerNickAzer Posts: 219 ✭✭
    Hi @Doug @evmorton @rossnori @CPConsoli @peterk @eobermeier @Slaby @ScotBryson @tito @vsick @Elaine71 @jiwlp @pmac @krushtonski and @brgentry - we have a new section up for discussion! This new subforum is on Metrics for the Prize; the first thread can be found here and then a follow-up thread can be found here. Looking forward to your feedback! And let us know if you have any questions. (And if you haven't yet, be sure to check out the draft concept prize design!)
  • jonathankolberjonathankolber Posts: 22 ✭✭
    Hello! I'm Jonathan Kolber, author of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations and A Celebration Society, and investor in tech startups. My passion is for finding ways that we can create societies of sustainable technological abundance.

    In my view, it's unlikely that reducing the generation of new atmospheric and oceanic CO2 alone will be sufficient to avert a climate crisis. That said, I've been noticing that discussions of CO2 remediation seem to lump all geoengineering technologies into one category, with serious concern for possible uncontrollable side effects. However, a few such technologies are "throttleable", meaning that they can be turned down following installation, thereby controlling any side effects.

    Given this important feature, I believe it's now possible to develop a road map for "Paris II: The Implementation Mechanism". Crucial to this is the possibility of transforming CO2 capture from a problem and a cost into a benefit and an opportunity.

    I have prepared and shared with the X Prize team a draft of this idea. I would welcome thoughts from others on how this road map might be strengthened and even implemented.

    Write me if you'd like a copy. It's three pages.



    PS--I am not advocating giving fossil fuels a pass nor an extension. In my view, fossil fuels have long been replaceable. I am trying to find a way forward that is attainable and sufficient.

    I think we must accept that the fossil fuel interests remain powerful and will be for decades to come. What can we actually, rapidly accomplish in that context?

  • jonathankolberjonathankolber Posts: 22 ✭✭
    Just today, I learned of Prof. Kenneth Rogoff's proposal for a World Carbon Bank. Might this better serve as part of such a bank's implementation than new Paris-type accords?

    (link: Future Is&utm_term=0_03cd0a26cd-f157f9024f-246132493)
  • grosaniagrosania Posts: 1
    Hello Carbon Capture Community!
    As a Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Michigan, I have been working with the Michigan Industrial Hemp Association, and the Cannabis community in general, to successfully, fully legalize hemp in Michigan (which is now a reality) and advance Hemp as an alternative, carbon-negative source of fuel, plastic, fiber, cellulose (wood, paper), edible oil, protein, flour. Hemp cultivation is ready to be exploited to sequester carbon as a source of raw materials that can replace raw materials obtained from petroleum. We are particularly excited that Elon Musk is supporting this initiative, since we envision hemp as the first crop that will be planted in Mars to sequester carbon and convert it into biomass that can, by itself, support that establishment of a thriving human colony.
    My research group is seeking to develop the most efficient methods for hemp cultivation for each particular derived product (food, fuel, fiber, biomaterial for 3D printing, etc) by 1) Mass Balance studies of crops, in order to keep track of the rate of Carbon sequestration of different hemp cultivars in relation to the consumption and waste of other resources necessary for cultivation (e.g. water, Potassium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, etc); 2) Quantitative multivariate retrospective studies to understand the relative contribution of the plant genetics/phenotype and cultivation conditions (soil pH, temperature, spacing between plants, etc) to the rate of Carbon sequestration in relation to resource utilization; 3) Prospective, case-control studies to ascertain that each parameter is contributing to the rate of Carbon sequestration as determined by the retrospective studies; 4) development of field-based automated, high throughput screening technologies for breeding experiments geared towards identifying genetic variants with improved rates of Carbon sequestration.
    This research program is completely innovative, since this is the first time we will be specifically optimizing Carbon Sequestration of an agricultural crop, by applying a quantitative, systems-based mass balance approach in field studies in order to optimize production of specific products. Right now, we are in a position to establish academic-private industry partnerships with the goal of optimizing hemp-derived cellulose materials for producing plastics, graphene, or for conversion into lactic acid or ethanol.
    We are wondering if you would consider such a research program of interest to the X-Prize competition for Carbon Sequestration. To the extent this research program is successfully supported, we not only envision using hemp as a replacement for other plant-based sources of wood, fiber, protein, oil, and flour, but also as an alternative to coal and petroleum as a fuel and as a source of organic, small molecule building blocks for synthesis of pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals, and polymers for advanced 3D printing technologies. For additional information on hemp, please refer to the following Wikipedia article:
    In terms of my background, I am the first Professor in the history of the United States to teach an entire, 2-credit undergraduate course devoted to the topic of "Medicinal Cannabis". For the past twenty years, I have led a pharmaceutical sciences research group that performs mass balance studies on the transport and disposition of small molecule chemical agents in living organisms. We study these phenomena from a whole population level all the way down to a subcellular and molecular level. Our approach is quantitative and mathematical -based on General Systems Theory- and thus it can be applied to crops as well as it can be applied to the human population.
    Please consider and let me know if this is something you would be interested in supporting. Also, if you could give me information about how to apply for this program and the amounts of funding that you are considering giving, that would be a tremendous help in terms of preparing my application.
    Thank you in advance for considering the development of advanced hemp cultivation technologies as the most promising avenue for carbon sequestration!
    Professor Gus R. Rosania, PhD
    Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
    428 Church Street
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109
    Cell: 734-358-5661
  • NickOttensNickOttens Posts: 899 admin
    Thank you for joining us, @grosania! Please keep an eye on the XPRIZE website and social media in the next few days for an exciting announcement, which I think will go some way to answering your question.
  • sigilwensigilwen Posts: 5
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Sigil, a 17-year-old creative wizard, full-stack developer, and YouTuber. As someone young, I'm trying to design my growth and trajectory to work on solving problems like Carbon Capture which has led me to the XPrize Community :smile: - I'd love some advice on this before I head off to university :blush:

    I'm also a part of a student innovation program working on a capstone project with the XPRIZE. The goal is for us to provide recommendations on how to improve the amount of high-quality/diverse teams that participate in prizes like Elon's Carbon Capture prize and future prizes. My current hypothesis is that community plays an invaluable role in removing barriers of entry to XPrize (funding, access to talent, direction, incentive) and increasing participation from diverse, quality teams so I'm immersing myself into XPrize's community. Initial questions I have include how we could increase engagement, retention, and community value as well as increasing community involvement from non-English speaking XPrizers @NickOttens @NickAzer .

    I also recently created a TikTok promoting the XPrize Carbon Capture Challenge that might put a smile on your face :wink: Feel free to message me any feedback :smile:
    All the best,
  • Hello all. I'm just an average joe who wants to help with climate change. The best things I can contribute is brainstorming and a list of resources I created by saving links as I find them. Just wanted to say hi. Great to see such enthusiasm out there.
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