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Gender Data Gap
XPRIZE Community members advised on the design of a data challenge for gender data gaps in mental health, backed by the Gender Gap Fund.
Category List
Provide feedback on the problems that prevent the world from closing gender data gaps in health.
1 discussion 15 comments Most recent: Core Problems of Gender Data Gap Challenge by Kathleen_Hamrick June 2020
Which prize focus area would have the greatest positive impact?
4 discussions 95 comments Most recent: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Data Gaps by Shashi June 2020
Discussion List
Completion of the Gender Data Gap Prize DesignThank you to everyone who participated in this prize design! As the research team finalizes the de…
About the Gender Data Gap Prize DesignXPRIZE is excited to officially begin the Gender Data Gap Prize Design. Sponsored by The XPRIZE Gua…
Prize Design SummaryThe first data challenge in a series, the XPRIZE Mental Health Gender Data Challenge, will incentiv…
Project Idea for Gender EquityAI is learning gender bias from humans. Biased data leads to biased insights, biased algorithms, bi…
Join the Pandemic Alliance Ideation WorkshopRegistration is open for the Pandemic Alliance Ideation Workshop this Thursday, July 23, at 10 AM P…
IntroductionsPlease introduce yourself to the rest of the community here. Tell us a bit about yourself and your …
Watch Gender Gaps in Data Webinar RecordingOn May 21, 2020, XPRIZE held a compelling session with Anousheh Ansari, CEO of XPRIZE Foundation, a…