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Evaluating Quality of Data Collected by Teams

KaranKaran Posts: 21 XPRIZE
edited June 2020 in Prize Design
Four core problems identified by the design team are related to data integrity and usefulness as follows:
  1. Data is not disaggregated and lacks granularity for analysis
  2. When data is collected, it may be under or mis-analyzed
  3. Data accessibility may be restricted due to privacy and sensitivity concerns
  4. Once collected, data is not always applied to policy and practice.

We want to learn from you:
  • Data2X identified how the desirable features of gender data include quality (valid and reliable sources), coverage, and comparability (of concepts and measures).
    What other desirable data features would you prioritize?

  • New data collection methods, such as using apps or social media, often attempt to engage users and capture their attention in unique ways. Validating these forms of data and the insights they provide can be a challenge.
    As researchers increasingly use big data from social media and apps to detect mental health problems, how have they assessed the validity of these data points and measurements?


  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Hi @ingmarweber, @ukarvind, @aylin, @lepri, @Pavel, @sarahb - As all of you have a background in Technology and Data, It would be nice to know your thoughts on Karan's discussion. Thanks.
  • boblf029boblf029 Posts: 35 ✭✭
    The validity of mental health data is both the biggest challenge and the most important. The very definition of validity must be scrutinized before we can hope to solve these problems. Validity first begins with reliability. Without that there can be no validity. Reliability, fortunately, is a technical issue and the people well versed in technology can solve this problem. The other aspects of validity, in the case of mental health data, are trickier. By validity I mean data that is valid for a particular purpose. And therein lies the tricky part. The XPrize staff are focused on data for research, for theory building across societies, in short a western alllopathic medicine model. Mental health data suited to this purpose will not be collectable in nonwestern societies, including isolated communities within western societies. Data that is collectable will be data that results in the lifting all boats. It will be data that does not change the status of the traditional healers, nor of the powerful members of the family etc. In short, it is data that useful to the society as it is.
    Let us look at a concrete situation. "Women in nonwestern societies are often the victims of violence. It may be in the form of wife beating or assault. It may be in the form of genital mutilation. It may be in the form of bound feet or other painful actions that are related to changes in status as for example when a female is ready for marriage, or can resume sex after her menses, etc. We can of course collect data on this violence. We can get reliable data on the physical damage caused by the violence. But unless we can substitute less violent behaviors we cannot end the violence and the data collection is of no value.
    Let us illustrate the point in the case of bound feet. Bound feet of course is associated with ancient China. Young females had their feet bound to make them more desirable as mates. Who supported this painful and perhaps humiliating custom? The matriarchs were big supporters. The family matriarchs wanted grandchildren or great grand children. They wanted their daughters to find desirable husbands. To western minds, bound feet were brutal and did nothing to make the women of China more attractive. But bound feet probably disappeared in China as much because of the fact that a one child policy made females more desirable simply because they were rarer in a society that still practiced female infanticide into the present time(and it may persist in some isolated rural communities). In short, we substituted other qualities of a woman,(and that made her attractive (including the simple mechanism of having fewer of them for men to select) for the violence of binding feet. We must take the same approach of finding less violent behaviors that fulfill the valid purpose of the violence with other forms of violence that undoubtedly have mental health consequences such as depression on women.
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Thanks @boblf029 for sharing your thoughts.

    @karenbett, @qlong, @DrLiliaGiugni, @EVSwanson, @NielsRU - As a researcher, we feel you all may have knowledge on assessing the validity of data points and measurements for data collected from social media and apps. It would be great hear your experience. Join the discussion. Thanks.
  • ingmarweberingmarweber Posts: 7 ✭✭
    In a lot of our work, we're using social media data as a feature to predict something else such as internet access gender gaps, or poverty rates, or migration rates. As such, we're often ok with "just" observing correlations, as long as those correlations add predictive power over using baselines such as econometric data, or satellite imagery, or .... As the predictive power might change over time, regular re-validation of the predictive models that are using social media data, in combination with other data sources, is required.

    Note that in our work noise, such as users lying about their characteristics or fake accounts are, per se, not an issue as long as their percentage is somehow consistent. What is more of a challenge are patterns that cannot be modeled, such as lots of fake accounts in one country, and almost none in another. Those would then create challenges to correct for.

    Other researchers in other domains validate data at the individual level but, typically, we don't have individual level ground truth and can't apply that methodology.
  • Kathleen_HamrickKathleen_Hamrick Posts: 66 XPRIZE
    @ingmarweber thanks for sharing your thoughts here on correlations, and how your team is using this information.
    In a lot of our work, we're using social media data as a feature to predict something else such as internet access gender gaps, or poverty rates, or migration rates. As such, we're often ok with "just" observing correlations, as long as those correlations add predictive power over using baselines such as econometric data, or satellite imagery, or .... As the predictive power might change over time, regular re-validation of the predictive models that are using social media data, in combination with other data sources, is required.

    Note that in our work noise, such as users lying about their characteristics or fake accounts are, per se, not an issue as long as their percentage is somehow consistent. What is more of a challenge are patterns that cannot be modeled, such as lots of fake accounts in one country, and almost none in another. Those would then create challenges to correct for.

    Other researchers in other domains validate data at the individual level but, typically, we don't have individual level ground truth and can't apply that methodology.

    What are the challenges that you see emerge most often when validating data at the individual level? What emerging tech do you see as having the potential to mitigate those challenges?
  • ukarvindukarvind Posts: 7 ✭✭
    Would strongly suggest that any predictive modeling with data of such heterogeneity always include not just point estimates (i.e predictions) but also related uncertainty (e.g: prediction intervals). Uncertainties are a good way to include the intrinsic 'noise' in measurements or related data missingness in the output prediction/estimate. Uncertainties can also exist in data quality, data missingness necessitating imputation, data curation, label confidence etc, all of which need to be factored in so as to ensure responsible reporting and downstream interpretation.
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Thanks @ukarvind for sharing your thoughts on predictive modeling.

    Hi @MarioCardanoItaly and @mab - Please share your thoughts on assessing validity and measurement of social media data points. Thanks.
  • lorenznoelorenznoe Posts: 1
    Thank you for this discussion. I wanted to point out that the Data2X report you're referring to in the original post also includes complexity and granularity as desirable qualities of data. You've already mentioned granularity but I would point to complexity of data as another important element.
    Complexity here means the ability of datasets to deliver insight across a variety of domains. Since this often not the case, we need the data we do have to be as interoperable as possible in order to combine and link different datasets to get the levels of analysis right and deliver insight. For this to work, datasets must be amenable to being joined, aggregated, split, and cross-tabulated, in short, fit-for-purpose. This will both be a function of dataset construction (unit of analysis, available group variables, etc.) as well as dataset dissemination (formats such as online tables, downloadable pdfs, csv, APIs, etc.)
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Thanks @lorenznoe for sharing insights into complexity of data.

    Also if you have any experience in assessing the validity of data points and measurements of data collected from social media and apps, please share it with us.
  • sarahbsarahb Posts: 6
    In our work we have applied a data quality checklist as follows:
    • Completeness — Is all necessary data present? For example, all the people who participate in a program or access a service.
    • Uniqueness — Does each record appear only once? This is most relevant when integrating data from multiple sources.
    • Accuracy — Does the data reflect reality? This may require primary research, or at least ensuring the trustworthiness of the source.
    • Timeliness — Is the data available when needed? Accuracy tends to decay over time.
    • Validity — Does the data measure what it was intended to? This relates to the rationale driving data collection and analysis.
    • Consistency — Is the data consistent across datasets? Note that it’s possible for data to be consistent yet inaccurate and/or invalid.

    A data quality checklist might also evaluate usability (is the data understandable, accessible, etc.), flexibility (how can it be manipulated and compared across datasets), privacy (who can access it, when and how), and value (cost/benefit analysis, relevance to mission).
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Thanks @sarahb for sharing your insights into data quality checklist. We will take a note of all the points. Is it possible for you to share information / experience on a promising technology / method used to assess the validity and accuracy of data.
  • sarahbsarahb Posts: 6
    edited June 2020
    Hi @Shashi, we have only conducted one formal data quality review in partnership with a not-for-profit (looking at their client and case management system). It was difficult for us to assess validity.
    • We conducted onsite visits to observe client sessions and how case workers entered data into the system.
    • We spoke to case workers to see if they had a clear and consistent understanding of how data should be captured and how would be used.
    • While onsite, we also spoke to clients in care.
    • We conducted manual reviews of the data being collected and sense checked linkages between records, looked for anomalies, etc.
    • We noted any discoveries and discussed with subject matter experts to see if the units we visited and what we observed were representative.
    This approach was far from comprehensive but did reveal some useful insights into the validity and accuracy of the data.
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    Thanks @sarahb for sharing this experience.
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