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Clean Air
XPRIZE Community members advised on the design of a prize to eliminate or drastically reduce air pollution, sponsored by The Circle Foundation.
Category List
Share relevant articles and research papers.
10 discussions 21 comments Most recent: Megacities’ Air Pollution Is So Severe That It’s Affecting Kids’ Brains by Shashi October 2019
Case studies and examples of cities that have effectively reduced air pollution.
Advise on elements of the prize design.
7 discussions 79 comments Most recent: DRAFT Air Pollution Removal Prize Parameters by ErikDickens November 2020
Discussion List
Completion of the Clean Air Prize DesignThank you to everyone who participated in this Prize Design! As the team finalizes the design, the …
About the Clean Air Prize DesignXPRIZE is excited to officially kick-off the design process for our new Clean Air Prize Design. Thi…
IntroductionsPlease introduce yourself here and tell us about your experiences with pollution related to fine pa…