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  • RabinRabin Posts: 1
    Hello everyone,

    I am Rabin Rai, working as Youth Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at UN Women Nepal Country Office. Our work is more focused on SDG 5 which aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women in the public and private spheres and to undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources and access to ownership of property. My portfolio covers results monitoring and managing gender responsive evaluation of the country programme.
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    @Rabin - Great to have you join the community.

    In your work if you have come across dealing with adolescents, do let us know what you think on gender data gaps for adolescent sexual and reproductive health here:
  • AnnalijnUBCAnnalijnUBC Posts: 2
    Hello All,
    I am an assistant professor (UBC) and a Scientist (CHEOS/St. Paul's Hospital), with a policy-focused social epidemiology and outcomes research program addressing cardio-metabolic conditions. My goal is to apply a gender lens grounded in intersectionality and health disparities frameworks to better understand the social determinants of health unique to women, girls and other socially disadvantaged groups.
    I look forward to the fruitful discussions and learning from everyone's expertise.
    Stay well, Annalijn
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
  • bwilcherbwilcher Posts: 2
    Hi Everyone!

    I am a Britni Wilcher, an applied microeconomist in training with interests in labor economics, health economics, and gender economics. My research focuses on the economics of health decision making and its implications for labor markets. I use quasi-experimental designs to draw causal inferences about the quality of pharmaceutical innovation and labor market effects of healthcare access for women. I’ve worked on a wide range of research problems in different geographic contexts such as advancing the existing methodological framework for health technology assessment (HTA) of medical devices (MedtecHTA) for the EU, the effect of the representation of women in clinical trials on population health outcomes, paid family leave for maternal labor market outcomes, and more
    Excited to join this community!
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    @bwilcher - We're excited to have you join our online community of experts.

    Thank you for sharing your perspective on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health.

    Another prize focus area we are looking at is Mental Health Gender Data Gap. In case if you have any experience or knowledge on mental health data gap, please share it with us here:
  • pepsicola28pepsicola28 Posts: 4 ✭✭
    Hello! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe and sane in this new world and thinking about how we can launch into a new and better world after, taking advantage of what we learned. I am completely new to this group, invited by a friend, so still trying to figure out what it is. Is it a discussion board? Does someone take action on the dialogue? What am I helping accomplish?

    My expertise primarily is in public health and health equity -- especially as it pertains to having a holistic approach to care and addressing the "social determinants of health." In other words, what affects someone’s health other than medical care and genetics? I also have a strong knowledge of psychology including how it pertains to personal and organizational development (development as in well-being, not fundraising).

    I was once poor. I now am not. This is what helps me to see a person as a life, not an acute issue, as a person deserving of the best life possible. I believe we can achieve this by ensuring potential meets opportunity, just like it did for for me.

    If my skills and perspective can help, here I am. I’m also on LinkedIn and happy to connect and chat: www.linkedin/in/rebeccapizzitola.

  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    @pepsicola28 - Great to have you join our online community of experts.

    To learn more about this prize design and what we would accomplish read:

    Your expertise and experience is well aligned with our latest discussion topic on ways of capturing local experiences of distress while also building global data needs to close the global mental health gender data gap:
    We would love to hear what you think? join the discussion.
  • ddd1ddd1 Posts: 2
    Hello everyone,
    I am Dickson, and for some 38 years I taught parasitic diseases to Columbia University medical students and conducted biomedical research funded by NIH. I retired in 2009, but I got busier than ever with a project, the vertical farm. The idea arose in a course I entitled Medical Ecology. In 2010 I wrote a book on the subject, The Vertical Farm. At that point there were no VFs. Today there are hundreds with many more to come. I now advocate for re-inventing the city, in which all buildings will: sequester carbon using CLT engineered wood as their construction material, harvest rainwater, generate energy using clear photovoltaics, and of course produce food employing vertical farm technologies. I look forward to exchanging ideas with all of you!
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    @ddd1 - Great to have you join our online community of experts.

    We would love to have your thoughts on this latest discussion topic on mental health:
  • jpayne5jpayne5 Posts: 6
    Hi!!!!! I'm Dr. Jennifer Payne a psychiatrist, researcher and educator- I direct the Women's Mood Disorders Center at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. I do research on perinatal depression and treatment of psychiatric disorders during and after pregnancy as well as premenstrual mood disorders. I'm looking forward to seeing this X-prize develop and hope I can contricute!
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    @jpayne5 - Welcome Jennifer! We're excited to have you join our online community of experts.

    Your background and experience very well aligns with our latest discussion topic on capturing contextual data beyond basic demographics to understand why people are suffering from depression. We would love to hear your thoughts on it.
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    @jpayne5 - Thanks Jennifer for sharing your thoughts.
    Apart from trauma/ child abuse, or gendered violence in general, what other contextual data should we collect to identify the reason people are suffering from depression. Please share your thoughts here
  • MarianneSeneyMarianneSeney Posts: 1
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Marianne Seney. I am an Assistant Professor in the Psychiatry Department at the University of Pittsburgh. Work in my lab is aimed at understanding the mechanisms by which psychiatric disorders differentially affect men and women. A better understanding of sex-specific brain pathology in psychiatric disorders may provide key insights for future sex-specific treatment development.
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    @MarianneSeney - Thank you for introducing yourself.

    Your area of work very well aligns with our prize design. We would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.
  • mhackettmhackett Posts: 14 ✭✭
    Hi all

    I'm Maree Hackett, a Professor & Program Head, Mental Health for The George Institute for Global Health, UNSW in Sydney, Australia and Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, UK.

    I'm a large scale, international clinical trialist, epidemiologist and systematic reviewer with a focus on mental health in the people with chronic disease. I'm known for my research on depression in stroke and have recently completed three large RCTs of fluoxetine after stroke (AFFINITY, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam), FOCUS (UK) and EFFECTS (Sweden). I have also recently completed a study which validated a depression screening tool for use with and by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples against the gold standard MINI.

    I am currently working with a PhD candidate on mental health and stigma for adolescents who live in urban slums in India, and another PhD candidate looking at Dementia and cognitive decline in women. I am a proponent of sex disaggregated data analysis so we don't perpetuate the research myth that one size fits all.

  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    @mhackett - Welcome Maree! We're excited to have you join our online community of experts.

    Thanks for introducing yourself. Your research work is great!
    Your background and experience very well aligns with this project.

    XPRIZE's first Gender Data Gap Challenge will focus on collecting, understanding, and using culturally specific data on women’s mental health.

    We are seeking advice and thoughts on the following:
    1. We are interested in capturing contextual variables beyond basic demographics that offer insight into why people are suffering from depression.What contextual data should be prioritize? and how should we collect that data (indicators, assessments, or technology)?

    2. Also, we are thinking through the specialties and expertise that would make up an ideal team for our gender data for global mental health challenge. If you were to propose a winning team, what skills would you want on your team?

    3. XPRIZE is considering two different potential pathways for this data challenge: Which approach is best?

    We would love to hear your thoughts on these latest discussion topics.

  • MohammadimrMohammadimr Posts: 2
    I am a Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), and Chair of Psychiatry and Psychology Research Center. I have authored more than 350 articles, 25 books and some book chapters, and served on 12 editorial boards of journals. I have had over thirty years of experience in the psychopathology, psychiatry, neurosciences and the Gender Data Gap. I have served as a teacher, administrator, researcher, and university professor. I started my academic career at TUMS. Then I started my study as the Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Middle Sex Hospital, UCL (University College of London), UK, 1998 and as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, UK, 1996 -1999. I was founding and chief editor of the Iranian Journal of Psychiatry (IJP). I have established and the founder of University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences in 1992. My research interest has included epidemiology, the Gender Data Gap, clinical trial, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), spiritual psychotherapy and clinical aspects of autism disorders and ADHD.
  • ShashiShashi Posts: 596 admin
    @Mohammadimr - Welcome Mohammad Reza! We're excited to have you join our online community of experts.

    Thanks for introducing yourself. Your research work in Psychology along with experience in gender data gap is just awesome.

    XPRIZE's first Gender Data Gap Challenge will focus on collecting, understanding, and using culturally specific data on women’s mental health.

    It would be great to have your advice on the following latest discussions topics:
    1. We are interested in capturing contextual variables beyond basic demographics that offer insight into why people are suffering from depression.What contextual data should be prioritize? and how should we collect that data (indicators, assessments, or technology)?

    2. Also, we are thinking through the specialties and expertise that would make up an ideal team for our gender data for global mental health challenge. If you were to propose a winning team, what skills would you want on your team?

    3. XPRIZE is considering two different potential pathways for this data challenge: Which approach is best?

    We look forward to your contributions.
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